Construction Demolition Saladb@2x.png

Construction - Demolition - Salad


We were brought on to this project to assist with the design, fabrication, and installation of The Stand, a sculptural component of the Construction/Demolition/Salad installation.

This constellation of projects ruminates on the subject of perishability as it relates to the life cycles of food and buildings; an analogy that extends comparisons of architecture to the body, city to living organism.


We "exploded" the artists' book into EXPO by wrapping apples in the printed vellum nesting pages and giving those apples to fair-goers as a take-away—introducing a gift economy to the art-as-commerce thrust of the fair.


The piece shows how display is a way to examine the relationship between nature and designed objects. We were thinking about apples as designed objects, their similarities to cities (core, exterior), and their display as a way of manipulating and controlling nature.

Balas & Wax


Balas & Wax
for Threewalls at EXPO Chicago